Why separate Purchase Orders (POs) from shipment Batches?
On Tuesday Dec. 5th, we are simplifying the interface for shipment batches by separating Purchase Orders (POs) from shipment Batches. In addition to cleaning up the batch interface, this allows you to create shipments from multiple POs, saving on inbound shipping costs.
If you DO NOT count and sort inventory or assess missing and damaged goods prior to listing/shipping, you will see a simplified interface for shipment batches with the same functionality as before.
If you have a warehouse, 3PL, or prep center and follow a standard warehouse receiving process you will have additional features for tracking and managing. We’ll cover the use cases below and continue to provide on-demand Zooms, weekly Q&A sessions and regular support should you need help.
Use Cases
1. List individually, import from the Buylist, or Import from a spreadsheet:
When you list individually, import from a buy list or a spreadsheet, simply Add (+) a shipment batch and follow the same process as before. We will request a shipping plan (preview) when items are added to the batch. You can prep, enter expiration dates, and print FNSKU labels before adding all batch items to one or more shipments.
Adding items to a Batch in PREP & SHIP
If you have a small number of missing or damaged items, these can be removed from the batch or the shipment using the following solutions:
Delete shipment items from the Unpacked List
2. Receive purchase order (PO) before adding to a shipment
When you process large orders or prep and ship for other sellers, it is important to receive the PO before creating shipments to check the accuracy of the order and record missing and damaged goods. You may also want to combine the received products from multiple orders into a single shipment. This is now possible with the new Purchase Order view. Click the add button (+) to create a new PO. POs are populated by importing a spreadsheet or scanning products into the Purchase Order. You can prep, set expiration dates, and label from the Purchase Order view.
What if I don't want to change my workflow? Is there a legacy system?
Yes! You can use the old legacy system for at least a few months here: https://legacy.scanpower.com
How to process missing and damaged purchase order items
[coming soon]