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Dymo Printer Not Found in Settings Anymore
Dymo Printer Not Found in Settings Anymore

Dymo Printer Not Found in Settings Anymore

Pankaj Singhal avatar
Written by Pankaj Singhal
Updated over 5 months ago

It is possible that even after successfully setting up your Dymo printer within the ScanPower software and using it for some time, that it will stop working. The first think to do is to go into Settings > List or Settings > PREP & SHIP and re-save the printer, if it is discoverable. But it's possible the printer will not be discovered, as illustrated here:

Sometimes, the web service that drives direct printing stops running. Frustrating as that can be, the good news is that it is usually pretty easy to fix. This article explains how to do that. Please understand that this applies to users who have previously installed the Dymo Connect software and have been using it successfully at least for a time.

If you have NEVER bee able to use the Direct Printing feature with your Dymo printer, then please refer to the instructions for initial setup, Recommended Printer Set-up: DYMO Direct Printing

Restarting the Dymo Connect Web Service

For Windows Machines (Mac instructions follow in this article)

Step 1: Check the System Tray for the Dymo Connect Icon

  1. The system tray is typically located in the lower left-hand corner on PCs and is opened by clicking the "^" as illustrated here (circled in yellow):

  2. You are looking for the Dymo Connect icon, pictured in yellow here:

  3. If it is there, select it. If it is not running, select "Start Service" to re-start the web service, then proceed to "Step 2: Re-Save the Printer in Your ScanPower Settings."

  4. If the icon is not found in the system tray, then type "Dymo Connect Web Service" into your Windows search bar, as illustrated here:

  5. Click "Open." Don't be surprised if nothing happens or opens. You have just re-started the Dymo Connect Web Service. You may now check the system tray as described above in step 1:b, but it is not really necessary. Proceed to "Step 2: Re-Save the Printer in Your ScanPower Settings."

  6. If, when you typed Dymo Connect Web Service in your Windows search bar, the app was not found, then you need to install the Dymo Connect Web Service software, as described here: Recommended Printer Set-up: DYMO Direct Printing

Step 2: Re-Save the Printer in Your ScanPower Settings

  1. Log back in to ScanPower and navigate to Settings > List and scroll to the Printer section. You should now find the printer, select it and resave.

  2. Repeat for Settings > PREP & SHIP as needed

If you have trouble with any of these steps or if this solution does not work for you, please contact for assistance.

Mac Instructions

How can I tell if the DYMO Label Web Service is running?

You should see the DLS application icon within the system tray. Right-click this icon to display a context menu. The menu displays the web service’s status (i.e., “Started on port 41951” or “Stopped”).

On Mac, the DLS application icon and context menu will appear within the system tray like this:

I do not see it in the system tray. How can I start it?

Open a Finder window, navigate to the /Library/Frameworks/DYMO/SDK/ folder, and click on the icon.


Open a terminal prompt and enter the following command: launchctl start com.dymo.dls.webservice

Re-Save the Printer in Your ScanPower Settings

Log back in to ScanPower and navigate to Settings > List and scroll to the Printer section. You should now find the printer, select it and resave.

Repeat for Settings > PREP & SHIP as needed

If you have trouble with any of these steps or if this solution does not work for you, please contact for assistance.

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