If you see an error similar to this it means the prep information was set incorrectly:
βERROR: MSKU "2025-01-01-B08Y57M5WW" expected msku to be "2025-01-01-B08Y57M5WW" but got "2025-01-01-B09NC2ZH5J", prepOwner to be "SELLER" but got "NONE"
ERROR: MSKU "2025-01-01-B09KS536B1" expected prepOwner to be "SELLER" but got "NONE"
You can usually fix the problem by clicking the Edit button next to the batch item and simply click Save to update the prepOwner on the item.
If the error reappears more then 3 times or it does not solve the problem, ScanPower support can help you bulk fix the batch items.