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Shipment Converted to Send to Amazon
Shipment Converted to Send to Amazon

Shipment Converted to Send to Amazon

Pankaj Singhal avatar
Written by Pankaj Singhal
Updated over 6 months ago

This is an error one may encounter when using the "Send Contents" function to transmit box contents to Seller Central.

Example Error Variations:

  • Shipment FBAXXXXXXXXX was converted to Sent to Amazon and no further edits can be made in API.

  • Error InvalidInput This shipment was converted to Send to Amazon and no updates can be made to this shipment.

  • PutTransportContent Error This shipment was converted to Send to Amazon and no updates can be made to this shipment.

The Error Explained

Send to Amazon is a new shipment creation workflow that is significantly different than the Send/Replenish method of creating shipments. Shipments created in PREP & SHIP do not use the Send to Amazon workflow, but can be converted in Seller Central. When a user accesses a shipment in Seller Central (by choosing "Work on Shipment"), s/he will be met with the option to access the shipment using the old (Send/Replenish) workflow or in the new (Send to Amazon) workflow.

It is critical that one chooses "Return to old workflow" at this stage to avoid mistakenly converting the shipment to Send to Amazon.

If "Try Send to Amazon" is chosen at this stage, the shipment will be converted and there is no way to undo this action.

Once a shipment has been converted, no changes can be made to it in the ScanPower/PREP & SHIP software.

When selecting "Return to old workflow," the user will be met with a survey explaining why the old workflow is being chosen, as illustrated here:

Select the reason of your choice and "Submit survey and go back to the previous workflow."

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