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How to Estimate Inbound Placement Fees in ScanPower ?

How to Estimate Inbound Placement Fees in ScanPower ?

Pankaj Singhal avatar
Written by Pankaj Singhal
Updated over a month ago

Effective Mar 4th, 2024, you can now have the inbound placement fees calculated in ScanPower and see it for Minimal shipment splits or Partial or Amazon-optimized shipment splits for region east, Central and west.


1. Install the ScanpowerBar extension entension on google chrome or firefox.

2. Login to your seller central account in US Marketplace.

1. Go to Prep & Ship > Prep & Ship.

2. Create a batch and add items to the batch.

3. On the top of the items, you should be able to select the placement fees for the items in the batch.

You can click on the Placement fee dropdown and can change the shipment splits and region to see the placement fees for various options.

Region Selection:

  • Select the region (West/East/Central) when Inbound placement option is Minimal shipment splits or Partial shipment splits.

  • West region is costlier than Central Region which is costlier than East Region.

Inbound Placement Options:

  • Minimum shipment splits will be costlier than Partial shipment splits which is costlier than Amazon-optimized shipment splits . Amazon-optimized shipment splits do not have any fees. You can view the fees individually in the Amazon Revenue Calculator. An explanation of the placement options and fees may be found in 2024 FBA inbound placement service feeHelp article.

    • Minimum Shipment split means all items will got to only 1 shipment. This is the most expensive option.

    • Partial shipment splits defaults to 3 shipments and may be changed between 2 or 3, to see the difference in cost between the two.

    • Amazon optimized shipment splits does not charge any fees, but may split batch items into more than 4 shipments.

The combinations of the above can be selected to see the inbound placement fees for these individual option for the batch items.

Please Note:

1. The above will just estimate the placement fees for shipment batches. You will need to update the Inbound setting in Seller Central to generate the shipment splits in.

2. It will take some time to generate the placement fees based on the number of items in the batch.

3. Ensure to login to seller Central and do not close the revenue calculator window opened by ScanPower.

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