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Mobile Guide

Mobile Guide

Pankaj Singhal avatar
Written by Pankaj Singhal
Updated over 5 months ago

ScanPower mobile app is available on Android Play Store and Iphone App store. You can download the same as required.

ScanPower Mobile is included with the Amazon Seller and Enterprise Pro plans. Information provided includes the product title, image, rank, offers, 5 lowest New, Used, and FBA offers.

NOTE: Most of these features also apply to

The Login Screen:

Enter the email associated with your ScanPower account and your password. This is also the point at which you can select (or change) the marketplace.



To access the Settings page, select the 4 dots in the lower corner of the screen, then Settings. That will toggle an a menu of Settings, History, and Buylist.

Selecting Settings will open the Settings Menu -- an explanation of each setting (as well as suggestions for enabling/disabling) follows.

  • Check Restricted
    When enabled, ScanPower will check for seller-specific restrictions on selling.

  • Only Show Restricted if New
    When enabled, products will only be shown as RESTRICTED if seller is restricted from selling in NEW condition. If restrictions only apply to used, refurbished, et, then the product will NOT be shown as restricted. If you only sell products in NEW condition, it is recommended you enable this setting to streamline your workflow.

  • Prompt for in-stock variations
    When enabled, user will have to click on "Vars" in order to view variations. This setting saves against your quota and may help with throttling. (available to PRO subscriptions and above)

  • Hide Package Quantity
    Package Quantity is useful for groceries and bundles.

  • Left-hand Camera scanner
    Changes the location of the camera icon from one corner of the screen to the other to better accommodate left-handed users.

  • Sticky Cost
    When enabled, the user doesn't have to enter a cost for every item scanned. The cost stays the same for every item scanned/searched until changed by the user or until the app is restarted. Useful when scanning many items with the same cost.

  • Sticky Price
    When enabled, the user doesn't have to enter a price for every item scanned. The price stays the same for every item scanned/searched until changed by the user or until the app is restarted. Useful when scanning many items with the same cost.

  • Use Accept/Reject Rules (How to use "Accept/Reject Rules" Setting)
    Enable to use the rules on whether or not to purchase a product. Click the box next to the setting to open and edit the rules. Within the setting is also something very important -- the setting to use the IP Claims Master List.

    • IP Claims Master List -- enable this setting to use the IP Claims Master List curated by ScanPower of items known to return an IP Claim.

  • Hide Used/Collectible Offers

  • Fulfillment Channel (MFN or FBA) -- calculate fees for FBA or MFN (excludes fulfillment and storage fees)

  • Warn if Missing Before Buying -- App will alert user if selected variables are missing when user buys item.

  • Cost

  • Source

  • Tax

  • Tax Code

Inbound Shipping Cost (per lb) -- amount to be applied to net payout and buylist

Labor Cost (per item) -- amount to be applied to net payout and buylist

Discount -- amount to be applied to net payout and buylist

The Search Screen

To search/scout merchandise, enter a UPC, ASIN, or Keyword into the search bar at the top of the main screen. The information can be entered by:

The Bottom Menu

This bottom menu is present from the Search Screen and the Buy Screen.

  • Additional Menu Items -- (the 4 dots) Opens the settings, Settings, History (search history), and Buylist.

  • Search -- tapping the search icon immediately places the cursor in the search bar.

  • Camera -- tap to use camera as a scanner.

The Results Screen

Results Screen Features

  1. Title of Product

  2. Photo of Product (tap to see Amazon product page)
    2a. Average rank and average price for 30, 180, or 365 days (available with PRO level subscription and above.)

  3. Product Information

  4. On-Hand Quantity (tap to see breakdown of In-Stock, Inbound, Purchased, Transfer, and In Working Batch or Shipment)

  5. Net Payout (profit after fees and cost)

  6. ROI (Return on Investment)

  7. Buy Button (tap to enter the Buy/Purchase screen) {see Buy Dialog section below}

  8. Price/Cost

    • Price defaults to Buy Box or Amazon or Lowest FBA price. Tap any offer to set.

    • Cost - tap to enter a cost for the purpose of determining Net Payout and ROI

  9. Offers

  10. Sales History

    • Price, rank, and seller offers over time (Tap graph to see more statistics.

      • ORANGE: Amazon Offer

      • GREEN: Rank

      • BLUE: Marketplace New Offer

      • BLACK: Marketplace Used Offer

  11. Show Settings, History, and Buylist buttons

  12. Search (works just as the top search bar)

  13. Scan button (use device camera to scan items)

In-stock variations and Variations Viewer

(available to PRO subscriptions and above)

Pro plan subscribers have access to In-stock over total Variations in order to better understand the sales rank for products such as clothing and shoes. Amazon does not track sales rank separately for most product variations, thus the rank applies only to the parent ASIN. Mobile shows the In-stock variation count over the total variations next to the "Vars" label. This tell you how many variations currently for sale are considered for the sales rank ("Rank").

The "Vars" label is also a link to allow you to see actual sizes and colors for 30, 180, or 365 days for in-stock, out-of-stock, and All variations. This feature is very useful for seeing which variations are popular, etc.

To view Variations in the app, tap "vars" as illustrated. This will open the Variations View page. On this page you will see:

  1. Average Sales Price

  2. Number of Sizes

  3. Number of Colors

  4. Bestseller Rank

  5. Verified Review Period Filter (and count)

  6. Stocked Variations Filter (and count)

  7. Variation Detail: ASIN, reviews count, size, color

  8. Average Rating and Count of Ratings for the Review Period

The Buy Dialog

When the "Buy" button is selected (7. above), the Buy Dialog opens. On this screen, you may enter:

  1. quantity buying

  2. cost of item

  3. condition

  4. source

  5. expiration date

  6. tax amount

  7. up to 2 discounts, which remain until change of source

  8. tax code

  9. notes, such as those for preppers, virtual assistants, or listers

  10. select back arrow returns to the main screen

  11. select check mark to save

The Buylist

  1. Total purchased cost and item count.

  2. Menu to refresh, edit multiple items, and email buylist. When you click EDIT, you can select 1 or more items to Archive or Delete.

  3. Search buylist by ASIN, Title, UPC, or Source.

  4. Filter to show only your buylist.

  5. Buylist attributes saved from the Buy Dialog. Click to Edit.

  6. Button to Edit individual items. Update the purchase and item details on device, which saves time when listing.

  7. Back Button

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